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Screen Printing

Screen Printing

Bergstein supplies worldwide an extensive range of supplies in the field of (UV) screen printing in cooperation with various manufacturers. An overview of the delivery program is below:

Poly urethane Squeegee

Poly urethane Squeegee can be supplied in a wide variety. Depending on the application and the material to be printed, special blades are available.

Frames and mesh

With a reliable partner in screen printing frames and screen printing mesh, we can deliver a comprehensive programme in this area. Frames are stretched to your own parameters, which are tailored to the use and can always be reproduced. Our partner also has 2 cleanrooms for the production of windows with very high precision requirements.

Printing inks

With two top brands in the field of screen printing, Bergstein can meet every customer request.

RUCO is a German manufacturer that has been supplying high-quality inks for all kinds of printing applications, including screen printing, for more than 150 years. They have been working with Bergstein for 40 years. RUCO has a wide range of pad and screen printing inks.

Coates Screen Inks GmbH, in Nürnberg Germany, (still called Wiederhold by many), is a global supplier of inks for a wide variety of industries. Bergstein has been an official distributor of Coates Screen Inks GmbH since 2009. Contrary to what the name suggests, Coates Screen Inks GmbH also has a comprehensive program in the field of screen printing.

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